Keith Bourne
Keith Bourne has used his 18 years of experience in the mobile world strategizing, project managing, developing, user experiencing, data mining, marketing, evangelizing, and analyzing his way to 10’s of millions of users collectively, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. He is currently a Senior Software Engineer and Mobile Strategist at JOOL Health, a new mobile health start up right here in Ann Arbor. He is the author of a book on Mobile Strategy that is still sitting half finished in his Dropbox. Every day he gets to work with a big smile on his face because he gets to build the next generation in mobile health apps that will change millions of lives for the better. And we’re not talking about the Silicon Valley’s “Goolybib’s integrated multi-platform constructing elegant hierarchies for maximum code reuse and extensibility that makes the world a better place” kind of improvement. JOOL Health is the real deal! Find out more at And MOST importantly, the other half of his life is devoted to improving the lives of three amazing daughters and one amazing wife.
Prior to JOOL Health, Keith worked with numerous clients across just about every field that was getting into mobile, as a developer, mobile strategist, user experience researcher, and/or marketer. As long as it was mobile, Keith was doing it! Former clientele includes Toyota, Xanedu, Xerox, University of Michigan Healthcare, Becton Dickinson, Weather Channel / Weather Underground, National Football League (NFL), Compuware / Lochbridge, CIO Office for State of Michigan, PepsiCo, Autobike, Echo 360, WunderRadio, WCBN, Flocktag, Memclip, Extreme Networks, and one of the largest quick food service companies in the world. Keith also tries to help foster the mobile community in Michigan through the co-founding of the Michigan chapter of Mobile Monday, which has grown to thousands of members and 4 chapters in the past 6 years.