Wish you could break out of the commodity trap? Want to reach more prospects who need your services? Need to leverage your time and your resources? If you’re known as the best at what you do, prospects come to you. It happens when you become Famous in Your Field.
No, not like a celebrity on the cover of US Weekly — I mean that you’ll be recognized as a leader and expert in your industry.
Together, we’ll break down the 3 key pillars that’ll increase your reach, build your reputation and boost your revenue.
Being famous in your field isn’t just for the ‘letterhead’ names or those with a string of advanced degrees. In the age of Google, being known as the go-to person in your industry is essential. There are specific actions that you can take (even when your time is limited) that boost your fame factor and have clients calling, asking to work with you.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this training session:
-How to break out of the commodity trap
-How to create more buzz for your service
-How to position yourself as an expert
Lori Nash Byron is the founder of Famous in Your Field, where entrepreneurs, authors, speakers and professionals build powerful brands and become stand out stars in their industries through speaking, publishing and publicity.
Lori has worked with professionals and firms to book speaking engagements, publish articles, get media coverage and reach #1 on Google. She speaks to business and professional organizations, online and on stages across the country. A contributing editor for ASPIRE magazine, Lori was featured in the book, Bold Brand.