The Little Known Method for Doubling Your Website’s Success

Ross Johnson is the CEO of 3.7 Designs, a web design and strategy firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He started the company in 2005 and oversees everything from strategy and business development to design and information architecture.


Ross is intrenched in the SE Michigan digital marketing community. He is an Instructor and board member of the Washtenaw Community College Internet Professionals Program, co-host of Web Axe, a podcast and blog dealing with website accessibility and co-founder of WordPress Ann Arbor.

Some other fun facts about Ross is that he was an extra in a Jeff Daniels movie and that he once wrestled an escaped tiger into submission with his bare hands. This not only shows that he is extremely talented and courageous but also a very tenacious and strong individual.
Let’s say that you have a recently completed a website that you and your design team spent months working on. You created a plan, developed a strategy and are now ready to see some results. How do you know if it’s the best that it could be? Is it capturing every potential lead? Are the graphics really connecting with your audience? Is the copy really drawing people in and engaging them?
Most websites are built using the “best guess” method, which is mildly effective at best. Ross will leverage his knowledge of websites to discuss a little known method that will lead you to the perfectly designed, written and structured website.