How Young B2B and Professional Services Firms Build Their Business

For most young business-to-business companies and professional services providers, the best new prospects come from referrals and networking.  But why wait for referrals to come? And why just hope that the right people will turn up at your networking events? Advertising and publicity build awareness, SEO and pay-per-click help you get found, and social media works to cement relationships … but imagine initiating the contact and driving the conversation with exactly the people you want to do business with? Chris K. will discuss lessons learned in over 30 years of B2B marketing.


Chris Kochmanski joined DesignHub as a co-owner and partner in 2002. Before that he worked for over 20 years in marketing communications, marketing management, and business development for area technology leaders such as Mechanical Dynamics, Interface Systems, Cleo Communications, and ADP Network Services.  Clients rely on DesignHub for brand development, website design and development, printed sales materials, publicity, advertising, direct marketing, events marketing, search engine marketing, and integrated social media, as well as marketing strategies and plans.