Blogging is a topic that is gaining more and more awareness both in and out of business. Many feel that they “should” blog or have recommended that they start blogging but don’t really know how to go about it in a way that actually makes a difference in their marketing. Join us as we take a look at all of the benefits and strategies in which you can use blogging as both an internal and external marketing tool. Learn how this low cost tool can have huge impacts and great results.
Ross Johnson is an avid participant in the web design community both locally and internationally. Using his blog ( and other online communities he connects with other web design professionals as well as publishing and developing methodologies to improve the web design industry as a whole. Ross co-hosts a podcast about web accessibility called “Web Axe,” co-founded a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading web standards and usability called “Refresh Detroit” and owns and operates 3.7 DESIGNS,, an interactive focused design company. Further Ross Johnson is a part-time instructor at Washtenaw Community College, currently teaching …Intro to building websites.”
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Listen to the Podcast clicking here